Do you need to register a company in South Africa?
Greyvensteins Incorporated can help you to register a private company, public company and NGO in South Africa. We offer fast online assistance and ensure that your company is compliant with the regulations of the Company and Intellectual Property Corporation, SARS, the Department of Labour and the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).
Can a blacklisted person register a company?
Yes, you can register a company if you are blacklisted.
Can foreign nationals register a company in South Africa?
Yes, foreigners can register a company in South Africa and will have to submit a valid passport and proof of residence.
What is a Memorandum of Incorporation?
A Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) sets out the rights, duties and responsibilities of shareholders, directors and other persons involved in a company. A Memorandum of Incorporation is a legal document that must be drafted according to the Companies Act of 2008 and include:
- Details of Incorporators.
- Number of directors and alternate directors
- Share capital (maximum issued)
- Contents of MOI.
How long does it take to register a company?
Company registration takes anywhere between three to eight days to register, depending on the customisation thereof, the workload of CIPC and whether the documents have been submitted in time. A name reservation takes between 7 and 21 days.
How many Directors are allowed in a company?
A private company must have at least one director, and a non-profit company must have at least three directors.
Can I register a company without a company name?
Yes. According to the CIPC, in terms of the Companies Act, 2008, a company may be registered with or without a company name. A company that is registered without a reserved name will still get a registration number, this will automatically become the company’s name.
CIPC says the company can transact with a trading (business) name or may apply to add a reserved name at a later stage. In this case, the company will need to first reserve a name and then apply for a name change.